El Plato de Maxim Huerta

Hola!! Que tal estáis?? Yo muy bien! Muy contenta porque este fin de semana pasado he dado una charla en Valencia, gracias a todos los que habéis venido!! Cada vez me gusta más este tipo de cosas así que repito! Porque este sábado 2 día 2 estaré a las 12:00 en el Herbolario Navarro, de la c/ Fuencarral en Madrid.


Bueno, hoy voy a pasaros la receta que le he hecho a Maxim Huerta. Es riquísima! Lleva pasta, guisantes y panela. Ahí, es nada…

Maxim, es un hombre adorable. Siempre es un buen plan quedar con él , le encanta una conversación. Como a mí! Ay, si es que conforme pasa el tiempo,  pienso que no hay nada mejor que conversar con tus amigos.

Como es un hombre generoso, llegó y se mostró tal y como es. Sin artificios. Nada más sentarse me dijo que no hay cosa que le guste más que comer.  Y sobre todo dulce!!!

Claro, a mí cuando me dicen eso, se me encoge el corazón. Estoy segura de que si fuéramos conscientes de lo malo que es el dulce, no lo comeríamos a diario.

Así que, como es muy difícil cambiar las costumbres alimenticias me dicidí por darle dulce. Parece contradictorio, pero intentaré explicarme.

Cuando una persona se quiere cuidar de verdad, lo mejor es no hacer cambios drásticos. El cuerpo necesita su tiempo para adaptarse, tanto a lo bueno, como lo malo.
Con esta receta le quise demostrar que puedes comer lo que más te gusta pero sin dañar demasiado tu Salud. Hay mucha, muchísima diferencia entre el azúcar blanco o el azúcar moreno de caña integral o la panela.

Uno, el azúcar blanco, desmineraliza y barre las vitaminas del grupo B. Como acidifica   muchísimo nuestro organismo, tiene que salir calcio de los huesos para contrarrestar esa acidez. También “barre” las vitaminas del grupo  B , es decir, como el azúcar blanco solo tiene energía, para que nuestro metabolismo la puede utilizar , necesita vitaminas del grupo B, como el azúcar no las trae , se las tenemos que ceder. Por eso tienes luego tienes ansiedad y cambios de humor, porque las vitaminas del grupo B son imprescindibles para nuestra estabilidad mental.

Además el azúcar blanco deteriora profundamente nuestra flora intestinal lo que nos hace más propensos a malas digestiones, estreñimiento o diarreas, infecciones recurrentes, acné, etc. Y por si fuera poco destruye el colageno! ( y nosotros dejándonos el sueldo en cremas… y productos anticeluliticos, y para el pelo y para eso y para lo otro…)

En fin, que si comes azúcar, mejor que sea de la buena! Por eso le hice: Spaghetti de Calabacín con guisantes caramelizados y pasta de soba.

Ingredientes (2 personas)


  • 1 paquete de pasta Soba ( trigo sarraceno)
  • 1 calabacín mediano
  • Un aguacate light
  • 4 tomates Cherry
  • 150gr de guisantes finos
  •  1/2 cebolla roja
  • 1/2 cebolleta fresca
  • 2 cucharadas de panela
  • Aceite de oliva Virgen
  • Sal






En una olla hervir con agua la pasta soba 8 minutos, escurrir y reservar ( dejando un poco de agua para que no se sequen demasiado).
En una sartén pochar con aceite de oliva virgen las cebollas cortadas en juliana y los guisantes, añadir la panela y remover hasta que se caramelicen los ingredientes.
Con un acanalador crear los spaghetti de calabacín y saltearlos junto a la soba en la sartén con la cebolla y los guisantes.
Emplatar el salteado con el aguacate previamente aplastado y con los tomates cherry partidos por la mitad.

Y ya está!! Esta receta se hace rapidísimo y está bueniiiisima. Pero lo más importante es que a mi amigo Maxim, le encantó.

Que comáis mucho y bien!! Y si podéis, nos vemos el sábado!


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    The Lucky Red 7’s though serves a double purpose, they act as Wild to substitute all other symbols while they also have their own prize attached to it. When you land five Lucky Red 7’s you can win up to 20, 000 coins. While you want the Lucky 7’s you look out for the Scatter too which is the Star as they bring bigger rewards. For example, win up to 4, 000 coins for three Stars, 16,000 coins for four Stars while you can win an immense 400, 000 coins when you land five Stars. For the rest of game play, you need a minimum of three symbols to land a win. Free Spins: When 4 Scatter symbols land you win 15 Free Spins for more winning combinations! Gaminator is a free online game for entertainment purposes only. You cannot win real money or real items/services by playing our free slot machines. The virtual currency used in this game can be purchased in the in-app Shop using real money. Gaminator credits cannot be exchanged for cash or be paid out in any form; they may only be used to play this game. All casino games in this app are intended for adult audiences only.

  28. An open world game is one that sets aside the typical «beat the level and go on to the next» structure of video games. Instead, an open world game allows the player the freedom to explore a virtual world the way they want to without limits. While this term often gets presented as «do anything you want», it would be better to think of an open world game as allowing you to tackle the game’s objectives in any order you want and through whatever method you want. I’ve listed Hunt: Showdown as third best social game, because it requires excellent communication and team effort for success. The game is fast paced and intense. The extremely immersive environment keeps you on your toes. Players are constantly fighting for survival, and your teammates are there to help! Connect with your friends by calling out shots and being where you’re needed.
    Werewolf is simulation game Werewolf village, You will play online game with real player & real time, Roleplay into Funny Role, Dozens of special roles are available to help both the villagers and the werewolves achieve their goals. Enter up to 375 characters to add a description to your widget: A unique «physical» experience online where players have to communicate with each other online, and also communicate with the staff on-site to clear the game! Our final Zoom game is Scattergories, a popular board game turned web game that you can play here. The generator provides you with a category and a letter and the players make a list of words that apply to the category that starts with the provided letter. The goal is to create a unique list of words. You will only receive points if no one else has the same answer.

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    One trader lost $5billion after the price of bitcoin plummeted in December, highlighting the risks of investing in crypto. In the first quarter of 2021, Bitcoin is making some serious money moves! https://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-price-has-lost-half-its-valueagain-11643033307 «This is the highest influx in transaction activity since mid-October 2021 when we started tracking,» Glassnode analysts said in their report published Monday. «This further supports the case that bitcoin investors were seeking to de-risk, sell or add collateral to margin in response to market volatility.» Sam Bankman-Fried’s bankrupt FTX crypto exchange owes its 50 top unsecured creditors a total of $3.1 billion. FTX Trading Ltd. and about 100 affiliated companies are starting a strategic review of global assets. Crypto markets are on the back foot, holding Sunday losses that have pushed Bitcoin — the largest token — to about $16,000. Second-ranked Ether is also struggling amid indications that some of the $663 million drained from FTX as it slid into bankruptcy is now being transferred out of the token.Crypto crash: FTX exchange owes its 50 biggest creditors $3.1bn; Bitcoin trades below $16K

  33. Statistical analyses were conducted in SAS V.9.4. Generalised estimating equations (GEE) with alternating logistic regression were used to estimate the relationship between lifetime, past year and weekly marijuana use and ease of access outcomes and COMPASS study year, gender and race/ethnicity. Among grade 12 students only, a linear mixed model was used to examine the relationship between age of initiation and COMPASS study year, gender and race/ethnicity. All models were adjusted for grade, school median income, urbanicity and clustering by school. The PROC GENMOD procedure was used to fit GEE models with an exchangeable logOR. The PROC MIXED procedure was used to fit the linear mixed model with random intercept. For your security, all checked bags must be screened and cleared for travel. In some cases, bags may have to be opened and searched. If you choose to lock your bag, it is recommended to use a lock that can be opened by airport security agencies, (e.g. Travel Sentry Approved or Safe Skies lock). You may use other means of locking your bags; however, it is with the understanding that the screening process may result in damage to the lock or to the bag itself, and may cause baggage delays.
    253 takes an unwavering approach to quality. We are a Kosher Certified facility, so our ingredients are both humanely-sourced and entirely free of contaminants—if you’ve never heard of any other wholesaler claiming this same certification, that’s because practically no one else can; we’re honored to be one of the few. LeafLink connects 8,700+ retailers with 3,500+ brands and distributors for streamlined cannabis commerce. Buy Bud Online is an online wholesale dispensary of premium wholesale bud BC, Canada. We have an extensive collection of regular and rare strains, BC bud, shatters, edibles, lotions, tinctures and concentrates. We carry an extensive collection of strains and shatters for recreational and medicinal use, as well as diverse dispensary supplies like edibles, concentrates, tinctures, and top-shelf strains.

  34. Adults 19 and older can purchase up to 30 grams of dried cannabis (or its equivalent) per transaction and can possess no more than this amount in public. 30 grams of dried cannabis is equivalent to: 150 grams of fresh cannabis; 2100 grams of liquid (e.g. oil) product; or 30 cannabis plant seeds. If you possess more than 30 grams of dried cannabis (or its equivalent) in public, law enforcement officers could ticket you or you could face criminal charges. There is no limit to how much cannabis you can keep at home. Note: our editors approve comments that provide new and succinct insight to our audience. If your comment is chosen for publishing, it will appear at the end of the article along with your name, job title, and organization. If you have a profile in the Ganjapreneur Business Index, your comment will also include a backlink for reference. If you are suggesting a correction, we will look into the issue further.
    People 19 years and older can buy cannabis from the online Ontario Cannabis Store. There are restrictions to where you can use, how much you can grow at home and have in public, and restrictions to driving after consuming cannabis. For more information on the effects of cannabis smoking and second-hand cannabis smoke, refer to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse resource, Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Cannabis Smoking . In Parks Canada campgrounds, non-medical cannabis consumption is limited to the visitor’s campsite. Ottawa Public Health provides information on the health effects from using cannabis so residents can make informed decisions that are best for them. Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone who is considering the use of cannabis for medical purposes talk with a health care provider.

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